Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bee Free Treats!

In the midst of Whole 30, the company Bee Free contacted me to see if I would be interested in trying some of their Gluten Free and Paleo Friendly products.

Of course I would! I had to wait until I finished the Whole 30 challenge, but I was so excited when my samples arrived in the mail. I ripped into the box as soon as we got inside and that was probably my first mistake. The kids saw me, saw what was inside, and immediately demanded a cookie! So I had to share my!

The first one we tried was Snickerdoodle and it was delicious. Soft and chewy with a wonderful buttery flavor. Thank goodness Bee Free sent three!

After I fed the kids a cookie, I went through and pulled out the chocolate ones and hid them. I know...I'm greedy like that. I had two different kinds to try: Chocolate Krinkle and Chocolate Berry Bliss. After trying these I was sold!

The Chocolate Berry Bliss is almost like eating a candy bar...but without the guilt!

And I don't even know what to say about the Chocolate Krinkle except that I ate them all except for half of one which I begrudgingly shared with Nick. These were my absolute favorite and I will be ordering more!

The kids ate all of the Vegan Cowboy Cookies, but I did get a bite so I would be able to review it as well. It is like a chocolate chip/oatmeal cookie. Definitely the way to go if you like a classic chocolate chip cookie.

Last, but not least was this little gem. The package wasn't marked and I didn't see it on the website, so I'm guessing it is a sample product but I would highly suggest that Bee Free begin offering them to their customers. It was so good!

Thank you to Bee Free for the samples and for making paleo friendly products that are a delicious and healthy option! Visit them here to order some yourself!

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