Lilly-Belle was born at 10:20 in the morning weighing in at 6lb, 9oz (despite being 4 weeks early). The previous night I had went out to eat and to a movie with two of my girlfriends and then about 11:00 that night I began to feel a little nauseous. I spent the next 5 hours battling nausea...just waiting to get sick because I was sure I had gotten food poisoning from the crab cake sandwich I'd eaten for dinner. Except I never got sick. I just started having contractions.
About 4:00am I woke the RedHead up and we had my Mama come over to stay with the Monkey until my in-laws could get there. By 5:00 we were at the hospital where I checked in and was about 3cm dialated. At 6:30 my midwife decided to break my water and then things started to pick up. I progressed fairly quickly (thank goodness since I decided against an epidural or pain meds) and at 10:20 our little Bug was born.
We stayed in the hospital for 5 days because she needed a bit of oxygen for the first 2 days and she was jaundiced, but I was able to room in with her the whole time. I was so thankful that I was able to stay because leaving Monkey at the hospital when he was in the NICU was the hardest thing.
So, one year later here we are. I am thankful for this beautiful little girl that God has blessed me with and I look forward to many more birthdays, celebrations, and milestones with my baby girl!
Happy Birthday Bug!
Lilly-Belle April 29, 2009
Bug on May the oxyhood.
Bug on May 4...our first day home!
Bug April 29, 2010
Bug with her favorite new friend, Froggy!