On Friday, Black Friday, I went to Walmart at 5am to take advantage of a few sales that we had scoped out earlier. It was crowded for sure, but nothing like what I've heard of in other cities...this is where it pays off to live in a small town. I was there for about an hour and was able to get everything on my list: a GPS, new bath towels (my favorite deal at $4), a toy for the Bug, and several toys/clothes for our AngelTree child. Everyone was in good spirits and very polite. I can happily say that I had a great experience, although I was a bit baffled by the women pushing around carts carrying no less than 15 crockpots or 6 RockBand game systems. What is that about???
Friday evening some friends of ours had an oyster roast, so the RedHead and I got to go out for a little adult time while my Mama kept the babes. It was much fun and I got to catch up with a lot of my highschool friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Oh! And I tried my first oyster...not raw, but steamed. It wasn't that bad (I gave it a generous dollop of cocktail sauce) but I don't think it's something that I'll be too anxious to eat again.
I think it's time for a long winter nap after such a busy Thanksgiving celebration, but I keep thinking I'm forgetting something. Oh yeah, now it's time to get started with Christmas!! Guess I'll sleep after New Years.
Bacon-Wrapped Cocktail Wienies

1 package Center Cut Bacon
1 package Beef Cocktail Wienies
Brown Sugar (how much is up to you, but aprox 1 cup)
*Cut each piece of bacon into 3 pieces.
*Wrap each wienie with a piece of the bacon.
*Line them side by side on a jelly roll pan.
*Cover with brown sugar. You can use less or more (I tend to go with more), but make sure that there is at least a thin layer covering all of the wienies.
*Bake at 350F for 30 minutes or until all of the sugar has melted.
These are delicious and so easy to make!
(Image courtesy of recipetips.com because sadly I didn't take a picture before we devoured them.)