Thursday, July 29, 2010
Listen Carefully

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My Relationship With Facebook

Monday, July 26, 2010
I Promise They're Photogenic, Really.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
House of the Nekkid Nappers
Morning nap is over. I go in to get the Bug up. She's diaperless...and happy.
It's afternoon naptime. The monkey comes wandering out of his room claiming he can't go to sleep. Again, naked. It's only after I bring it to his attention that he's not wearing any clothes that he looks down and nods his head in agreement.
He still makes no effort to dress. But I'm not going to push it. It's blazing hot here and it's nekkid party day, obviously.

Friday, July 23, 2010
Perfect Parenting

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Mamaw's Pound Cake
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Current Events

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Classic Finds

Friday, July 16, 2010
Top Five Friday...Oh Bother.
I'm feeling a little stressed, overwhelmed, annoyed as of late. It's mostly me and I understand this so I'm hoping by writing it down I'll just get it out of my system. My Top 5 Bothers:
#1. My lips are uber chapped. In the middle of summer. What? Like burning chapped and clearly putting chapstick on 1,000 times a day isn't helping. Any suggestions?
#2. The fact that I'm not one of those people who, when stressed, claim "I couldn't possibly eat. I'm just too stressed." I say, "I'm stressed...pass me a gallon of icecream!"
**On another note, I did channel my stress into a major overhaul clean of our fridge. Sadly, while doing so I found the icecream.
#3. Realizing that I haven't packed ONE thing yet. The move into our new home is at least 6 weeks away but I still feel like I need to be packing now just to get it all done. (Icecream anyone?)
#4. The Monkey's lack of thanks when it comes to everything. I take him to the movies (Despicable Me is very cute!) and he asks if we can play games afterwards and if I'll buy him some shark Polliwalks. I know this is a phase, but it just doesn't fly with me. Here's an idea! I'll pack up his toys and then maybe he'll be appreciative of what he has AND I'll be started on my packing!
#5. ...
Ok, so just 4 things are bothering me. Feel free to fill in the 5th. And if you want to come to my pity party just bring some icecream.
**Okay, #5 can be that spellcheck wants me to make icecream 2 words. Um, no thank you. But you can still fill it in too.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Red Head...And A Temper To Match
Monday, July 12, 2010
Blog Love
The deal is to share 7 things about yourself but I just did that little "getting to know you" survey last week, so I'm going to do what Julie did and share seven important dates from my life.
1. August 26, 1982 My Birthday!
2. September 27, 1997 The RedHead and I went on our first date.
3. December 20, 2003 The RedHead and I tie the knot!
4. August 2004 I begin my teaching career.
5. March 9, 2006 I give birth to our son, Monkey!
6. April 29, 2009 I give birth to our daughter, Bug!
7. August 26, 2012 I will turn the big 3-0!
Now...to tag some other bloggers to play along!
Adventures In Being A Homeowner
Sailboats and Seersucker
The Treat Girl
The Tales From The Fairy Dust
The Crim De La Crims
The Big Cursive L
Everyday Everharts
Cowboy Boots and Baby Booties
Southern Belle on Paper