I'd like to start out by going a little mushy and saying that I totally have the best husband ever! The RedHead pulled off a surprise party for my 29th birthday on Saturday. Despite spyteching being one of my best skills, I had absolutely NO idea. I didn't even think that I should be looking for anything to happen.
Because my birthday isn't until the end of the month. He totally thought this through. He sent out printed invitations (which really impressed me and my friends because no less than 10 people told me how he even had invitations done). This is such a big deal for men!
Two of my best friends took me out for a "Ladies Night" to get our nails done and have dinner and then we came home to the surprise party. It was so much fun to have my friends there, lots of margaritas on hand and the most delicious (and enormous) cupcakes from Cakes and All Things Yummy!
Pink Lemondade...which I'm currently eating.
Orange Creamsicle, Red Velvet and Key Lime
No pic of the margaritas we had, but I did get a bottle of Skinny Girl Margaritas from a friend!
I had butterflies in my stomach for the first hour because I was THAT surprised. It was a wonderful time and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate.
Thank you Nick for such a great early birthday gift! I love you!
*Oh, and we won't mention that I was an hour late because I (yes, it was my fault) insisted on moving our reservations back so we wouldn't have to rush getting our nails done. Luckily the crowd was on my side. :)
**Oh, and I got to order this bag for my birthday gift. Just another reason I wasn't expecting anything because this would totally be enough. Maybe he just said yes to not ruin the surprise!

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