Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Sunday, November 27, 2011

So It Begins

With Thanksgiving's passing, the Christmas season arrives.  Just today my Mama asked me what I had going on this week. I replied, "Drop off food for the Holiday House Shoppes and Colson's basketball practice on Wednesday, Preview Party on Thursday, Charity League Holiday House shift Friday...  The calendar is filling up quickly.

Once December begins it seems that there is a steady stream of activities, parties and general busyness. I am happy to have this season of celebration with my family and friends, but I look forward to the small moments with my closest family that put that intense feeling of joy in my heart.

I look forward to hanging the stockings on the mantle, drinking cocoa while watching Christmas movies, making cookies with my children, and talking with them about the story of our Savior's birth. The parties are fun, but these small moments are the ones I will treasure forever.


  1. I agree it's so important to remember the reason we celebrate Christmas even in all the hustle and bustle. Hope y'all had a great weekend!

  2. I love your blog! :) I became a follower. Erin

  3. we finally got a mantle a few months ago...i'm sooo stinkin excited to get to decorate it each month now...and esp hanging stockings! i want to see ur mantle!!!!


Go ahead and know ya' wanna!

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