Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Sunday, July 15, 2012

16 weeks

Today I'm wrapping up my 16th week. Here are the stats...

The Belly:

Hi Point: Having a good check-up and making it through my first 17p shot (which was quite painful).

Lo Point: A terrible dream I had where I went into labor at home and delivered the tiniest baby, but it was plastic and hollow. Strange and horrible.

Siblings: Lilly-Belle came to me the other day with a dish towel in her bathing suit and told me there was a baby in her belly. Then she said that her baby was crying for a toy. It says, "Waaa, need a letter!" So she pulled open the top of her suit and dropped in a tub toy letter for her baby to play with. She also asked me if I give my baby toys to play with.

Cravings: BLT sandwiches, chocolate iced doughnuts

Lbs: +10

Looking Forward To: Nothing really big this week...just cooking Butter Bean.


  1. Lilly-Belle is so darn cute!!!

  2. You've been nominated! Check out my latest post!!


Go ahead and know ya' wanna!

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