Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Sunday, August 19, 2012

21 weeks

Thankfully, the thing with mood swings is that they go from low to high. This past week has been much better. (I'm back to wearing mascara.)

The Belly:

Hi Point: Moments of being able to "play" with the baby. When little ButterBean is especially active I can now push on my belly and feel a push or kick in return. This makes everything so real!

Lo Point:Welcome home heartburn! I had heartburn with both of my previous pregnancies, and it's back. Pretty much anything I eat can give it to me (even a baked potato), but it's always worse in the evenings.

Siblings: The babes left on Thursday for a long weekend at the beach with their grandparents which has given Mama some extra rest time. It has been nice (especially since I go back to work this week), but I miss them like crazy!!

Cravings: Not a whole lot...I'd say coffee, if anything??

Lbs: +18

Looking Forward To: Possibly dragging out some baby clothes to go through and see what we have that will work for the wee one. Returning to work will be my major feat of the week, so it may not happen at all.

1 comment:

  1. oh when I was pregnant heartburn was the worst. Hope it gets better.


Go ahead and know ya' wanna!

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