Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Grader...Right Here!

Colson started first grade this week and boy was he excited! We bought our supplies, ordered a new red camo lunchbox, packed his bookbag and then it was here...the first day of school!

We are very lucky to have a close friend as his teacher this year and I know she will love him and help him grow just like he was her own child (and I've told her she better fuss at him like he's her own if he gets out of line).  His Kindergarten year was wonderful and I know First Grade will be too!

Colson's First Day of First Grade...he wants to be a painter when he grows up.
Colson and Mommy

Colson and a proud Daddy
My Monkey and The Bug

Two silly babes!



  1. What dolls! So cool that you are close friends with his teacher. I'm sure that makes it a little easier. I hope his first day was great! Oh and you look awesome by the way! :)

  2. They are adorable! Can you give us a pic of his lunch box? Just curious about red camo!


Go ahead and know ya' wanna!

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