Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let Me Count The Ways

Valentine's Day is a time to reflect on the love you've given and received. I have multiple Valentines in my husband, Monkey, Bug, my Mama, the Lord, and many others. I know that many call it a "Hallmark Holiday" and boycott anything that could be seen as traditional celebration, but I don't necessarily agree with that. I think it is important to take time out to devote to showing love to those who mean so much to you, and while it doesn't have to be said with flowers or chocolates or stuffed animals or cards, it does deserve acknowledgement. (It's my guess that those who vehemently oppose Valentine's Day aren't the ones showing their love the other 364 days of the year either.)
I want to let the RedHead know how much I love him...

I love:
the way you call me Tinkerbell.
the way you are a strong husband who I can count on to protect and provide for our family.
the way you still treat me like you did when we first started dating...12 years ago.
the way you are teaching our son how to be a man.
the way you rub my shoulders, every night.
the way you lovingly look at our daughter.

I love:
your red hair!
your sarcastic sense of humor.
your broad shoulders.
your twinkling eyes.
your freckles.

I love how you love me every day of the year, through the good and the bad...and I want you to know that I love you the same. You are my partner and I couldn't have found a better one in life.

With Love,
Your Tinker
**Also, thanks a TON for the new coffee pot...just another thing I love about you. You truly know the way to my heart! (wink, wink) **


Go ahead and know ya' wanna!

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