Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Friday, February 12, 2010

Top Five Friday...Swap Love!

On a whim, I signed up to participate in Katie's Swap Love project for bloggers. The deal was that we complete the interest form and give the necessary info and she would match us up with another blogger to swap Valentine's Day gifts with. I was game because one thing that always puts a smile on my face is receiving a fun little package (yes, I do like online shopping better than in store sometimes because I like the anticipation of my purchases arriving on my doorstep).

My swap partner was Brittany Ann at Living In The Moment, an awesome blogger who is a teacher, newlywed, and writes a great series called Workout Wednesday (which is beginning to give me a little motivation to exercise more than once a week)!

I was very excited to arrive home on Wednesday and my goodies were waiting for me! So here's my Top 5: Swap Love Gifts!

#5. An adorable red Valentine cup with see-through hearts...I can think of a few things to fill it up with!

#4. A precious card wishing me and my family a Happy Valentine's Day!

#3. The most beautiful shade of OPI nail polish (my fav brand) called Sweet Heart! It's a perfect milky pink and I can't wait to put it on.

#2. A GIANT Reese's heart, which I immediately tore into. Only after I had started to devour it did I realize that I needed to get a picture of my treats...hence the open wrapper.

#1. My Favorite goodie of all...a plaid headband that I am wearing asap! It's gorgeous!

Thank you so much to Brittany for such sweet thoughful gifts; you made my day!

**A little heads up for next Top Five is a giveaway!! Check back then.**


  1. I'm so glad you liked the headband! I know it wasn't quite the skinny ones you mentioned (I like those, too) but it looks fabulous on you!

    I'm tempted to go buy the green-blue version (my friend owns the store I got it at, so I could have immediate access:) just so I can send it to you ASAP, as you look so wonderful in it!

  2. Love the headband too!! Do you know where she got it? Too cute!

  3. aww GO BRITT :) That headband is awesome!!

    Glad you had fun doing the swap and happy I could host.

  4. haha love the chocolate that you had to have a bite of....the headband and cup are adorable!

  5. lol I had the same problem! Mid snickers I realized I needed to get a pic! Great stuff =D Love the nail polish.

    Stopping by form Katie's Mr Linky =D


Go ahead and know ya' wanna!

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