Southern Sayin' Of The Month

I live for the light of a full moon. -me

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top Two Tuesday...TV Shows

This week's Top Two topic over at Jimmy Choos & A Baby Too is our favorite TV shows. Um, I have to admit that I can be a bit excessive when it comes to TV. I easily attach to shows, and all I can say is thank goodness for DVR or I'd probably be a bit neurotic trying to schedule my life around the tv guide schedule (messed up, right?). All the more reason to unplug! Enough are my picks:
#1. Law and Order: I love any of the series (SVU or Criminal Intent) and I can usually be found watching a rerun as I go to sleep every night! I think that Special Victim's Unit is probably my favorite because I think that Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay are just the best!

#2. House: I love medical shows, the mystery element, and House's wonderful sarcasm and humor! While I'm alone on Law and Order, House is a show that the hubby and I watch every week together.

And because I can't follow the rules, I want to give an honorable mention to the following shows: Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Fringe, Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl, Hung, Entourage, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Modern Family, and FlashForward. See, I told you I had a problem.


  1. My hubs loves those shows!!!! Which means I watch them haha!

  2. we are officially BFF - i'm OBSESSED with HOUSE. OBSESSED. my favorite show ever! and i've done more than two posts about law and order: svu on my blog, so that's a close second... but i'm sooo sad christopher meloni is leaving!!

  3. great picks. I love days when there are marathons of either L&O or House on, I can watch them all day long!

  4. Ive never seen either show but I hear house is great!

  5. I love House! I think Hugh Laurie is hot!

  6. you are NOT alone!! Along with most of the ones you DVR too, I tape some Food Network shows on Saturday/Sunday, and Days of our Lives daily! So addicted to tv!!


Go ahead and know ya' wanna!

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